Friday, 27 September 2013


If you feel lethargic and suffer from brain fog or recurring infections it may be that poor absorption of nutrients by your intestines is at fault.  There are, these days, many natural colon cleansing supplements on the market.

These are an effective way of ridding your intestines of unwanted impacted matter that stops your small intestines absorbing the nutrients from the food we eat.  It obviates the necessity to take time out to visit your local irrigation centre.  You can do your cleansing from the comfort of your own home.

You need to understand that when we put food in our mouths, it goes down to the stomach where it is broken down with the help of acids and enzymes.  It then travels to the small intestines where 95 per cent of the nutrients are extracted and taken up by the bloodstream through the intestinal lining.

If the mechanism is impaired because waste is obstructing this process, you will eventually start feeling ill because you are effectively becoming mal-nourished.  It can have far reaching consequences for your internal organs if it is left untreated.

Another point about colonic irrigation is that this procedure will only treat a small part of the bowel system as it cannot reach far enough up.  Supplements, however, will treat the whole of the intestines by liquefying waste through the introduction of extra oxygen.

So what are the effects of cleansing your colon?  By ridding your body of toxins you will soon start to feel better and your complexion will improve.  Your immune system will be strengthened at the same time so that you will be better able to withstand infections and other bugs that go around.

It makes sense to have a good look at your diet.  There are substances we eat that even a hundred years ago were not consumed.  These are all the refined products you will find in the supermarket such as ready meals, sugars and glutinous foods from which all roughage has been removed.

Deleting these from your diet and instead eating healthily will stop a massive build-up of toxins in the future.
If you need to find out about colon cleansing the easy way, please log on to