Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Why Would You Ever Clean Your Colon?

We are regularly bombarded by health concerns. Many of these messages sound like hyperbole, and colon cleansing is one such issue. Colon cleansing has become increasingly popular in recent years. But is it just a fad? Is the colon not self-regulation?

Well, it should be, but modern lifestyle has thrown a few spanners in the works: we are overworking our colons by eating less fresh food and more junk food; furthermore, the stresses of modern life also mean that are colons become less efficient.

The solution is to give this clever, if smelly, organ a little help in hand in the form of a colon cleanse. We think that colon cleansing can be a very good idea, and below, we’re going to explain why we think this.

Improved Digestion

Why do we digest food? To extract nutrients, vitamin, water and minerals. In order to have a healthy body, we have to have a healthy digestive system. Part of this system is the colon, and it is important, therefore, that we keep it healthy.

A colon cleanse will help to maintain a good digestive system. It will get rid of toxins and compacted faecal matter, which can lead to sluggish digestion and poor nutrient/vitamin/mineral/water absorption.

Prevents Constipation

One of the most common reasons that the colon works less effectively is due to constipation. Constipation happens when waste matter is over processed. The body attempts to take all of the water out of the waste, which then causes it to become stuck (there’s no lubrication). It can get stuck on the colon wall – as well as on the walls of the intestines. When this happens, the colon loses some of its functionality. It becomes less able to absorb nutrients. It also means that the waste sits there without moving, and more compacted wastes lands upon more compacted waste until you're well and truly bunged up. When this happens, it hurts: you get tummy ache and it becomes impossible to go to the toilet without being in great pain.

To avoid constipation you need to make sure that your colon is clean. You also need to ensure that you're well hydrated and that you are eating enough dietary fibre from the fruit and vegetables that you consume. Part of the solution, then, is to use a colon cleanser. You should do this fairly regularly – once or twice a month to ensure optimal function, but do read the label because supplements may vary in terms of duration and frequency of dosage.

Increased Energy

Clearly, when your colon is working well it is able to extract everything that your body requires in order to remain healthy. You will feel more energised, be more alert, feel focused and able to concentrate, and generally benefit from a greater sense of wellbeing.

In conclusion, good colon health is essential to feelings of wellbeing, and part of colon health is to ensure that it is clean. You do this via your diet, but a little extra help, in the form of a colon cleanser, can help to boost the benefits.

Friday, 6 June 2014

When Things Aren’t Moving: Understanding and Dealing with Constipation

Constipation is a minor irritation for many people around the world. Although for the majority of people it poses very little threat, for some, it can become incredibly serious. It is important, therefore, that you understand the symptoms of constipation, its causes and its remedies. Although not the pleasantest of subjects, we will discuss some of the key things that you need to understand about constipation.

Firstly: the Best Cure is Prevention

It is important that you understand the causes of constipation. It is only by understanding what you need to do, that you can avoid becoming constipated in the first place. Clearly, it is much better to prevent constipation, than to deal with it once it arrives. There are a few things that you can do to ensure that your bowel movements are regular; and they usually consist of making lifestyle choices.

1.Drink plenty of water. You need to ensure that you stay hydrated. When you’re dehydrated, your intestines and colon will try to absorb as much moisture from your food as possible. When the food in your intestines and colon become too dry, they will not move through the system with ease, and you will become constipated

2.Eat plenty of fibre. Fibre literally sweeps out the bowels and keeps everything moving and regular. It is important that you eat adequate amounts of fibre to ensure that your digestive system remains regular. Listen to the doctors and eat between five to seven servings of fruit and vegetables each day, as well as eating plenty of whole grains.

3.Exercise: exercise raises blood flow and keeps your system working fast. The slower your metabolism the slower food will pass through your body, and the more likely you are to become constipated. A higher metabolism – which you achieve through exercise – will ensure that your body’s working to an optimal capacity.

As we said, it’s a lifestyle choice. As always, the doctors are right: eat well, stay hydrated and exercise if you want to avoid constipation.


Most of us experience constipation at one point or another. Even those of us with a healthy lifestyle can become constipated. For example, certain medications, such as paracetamol, can cause constipation. Here are some common symptoms, so you know when you might be suffering from constipation:

•Bloating in the tummy – particularly the lower portion
•Pain, or difficulty, when defecating
•Bleeding around the rectum
•Lower back pain
•Feeling like you can’t fully evacuate your bowels
•Difficulty passing wind
•Discomfort in the tummy


If you experience the above symptoms and you suspect constipation then try one of the following constipation remedies:

•Eat prunes or take a prune supplement
•Drink a litre or two of water
•Take specific dietary constipation remedies, such as Oxy Powder
•Try laxatives
•If all else fails, then visit your doctor who will be able to assist further.

It is important that you deal with constipation early, to avoid increasing your levels of constipation, which would lead to more symptoms.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Oxy Colon Cleanser: What You Need to Know about this Product

Oxy powder is a popular colon cleanser available to people across the globe. In fact, it is one of the most popular, non-intrusive, cleansers on the market. Because it is so popular, it is important to discuss the preparation. This way, people can make an informed choice as to whether the supplement is the right one for them. Here, we are going to consider the various features of the Oxy Powder colon cleanser.

What Does it Do?

Simply put, it cleans the colon. The colon is a sophisticated organ that forms part of the intestines and the lower digestive tract. It is susceptible to a variety of problems, the most common of which is constipation.

Maintaining a clean colon involves removing compacted faecal matter from the colon. When faecal matter compacts, it can stick to the wall of the colon. When this happens, the colon becomes less efficient. The colon is responsible for removing the vitamins, minerals, and water from faecal matter – it absorbs the nutrients that the large and small intestines have missed, or that they cannot process.

What Happens When You Have an Unhealthy Colon?

Compacted matter prevents efficient absorption of nutrients, which means that your body is not getting the necessary minerals and vitamins that it needs. This can create a range of symptoms in the body, including lethargy, bad skin, headaches and much more.

Problems can range from mild to severe, but the majority of problem can be avoided by maintaining good colon health, which involves eating plenty of fruit, vegetables and dietary fibres. From time to time, a supplement such as Oxy Powder can be used to promote greater health, and to give the colon a little extra boost.

What Can You Do To Maintain Good Health?

As we mentioned already, you need to ensure that you have a healthy diet where you eat plenty of fresh foods. It is also essential that you drink enough fluids and you should be aiming to drink at least 1 ½ litres a day to maintain optimal health benefits.

Oxy Powder will offer your body an extra boost and help to maintain good colon health. It works by introducing oxygen to the intestines and the colon. This oxygen then creates a chemical reaction with faecal matter: it literally loosens it up and clears it from the body.

The advantage of using Oxy supplements is that they have a limited effect on the gut flora. Gut flora is present in all of us and it is essential to good digestive health. When bacteria growth is out of whack – too much of one bacteria and not enough of another, for example – you will have digestive problems. Some colon cleanser will disrupt bacteria (gut flora is just another way to describe the bacteria in your digestive system) and create problems – some of which can be very serious, such is the case with c deficile. Oxy Powder works so well because it has a limited impact on the bacteria in your digestive system, and therefore does nothing to disturb the delicate balance of your body.