Thursday, 14 November 2013


Effective colon cleansing can be achieved in various ways.  The internet will give you all information on colonic irrigation and cleansing by means of dietary supplements.

The irrigation method which has long been standard practice before major surgical interventions, has also found its way into practices in the high street.  Unfortunately they are less effective in cleansing the colon properly as only a limited area can be treated.  Apart from this you need to find a competent practitioner. 
Inserting a tube into your rectum has to be done by someone with experience as the intestinal lining can be damaged.  Instruments also have to be sterilised properly to minimise the risk of contamination.  By cleansing your tract with copious amounts of water you will also run the risk of flushing out the good flora as well as the bad from your system.

If you would rather go down this path, perhaps you should have a look at several clinics before committing yourself.

The dietary products are a much more effective way to cleanse your intestinal tract as it can be dome from the comfort of your home without pipes and water.  Another major benefit of using these products is that the whole of your intestines will be cleansed and not just the colon area.

Because most of the dietary products work by introducing extra oxygen to help digestion in the intestines, the good bacteria will become more effective, whereas the bad ones die off.  This enables your digestive tract to re-establish a good balance between good and bad once again.

You will feel a little unwell when the die off occurs and also you may suffer watery stools.  Once you have worked out the right dose you will start to feel very much more energetic.  The reason for this is that your body can once again utilise all the nutrients that your food intake provides.

Healthy organs and an effective immune system will ensure that invaders are kept at bay to stop repeated bouts of flu, headaches, lethargy and bacterial overgrowth.

Colon cleansing is a popular treatment to prevent illnesses and strengthening the immune system. For more information please log on to


The colon is really the last part of our intestinal tract where faecal matter is expelled. This waste is all the food residues that the body is not able to use for our nutrition.  Sometimes, if you have been ill or have consumed too great a quantity of the wrong foods, the intestinal tract can become congested.

These days one of the wholly natural supplements is Oxy powder which has been especially formulated to deliver extra oxygen to the bowel area.  The good bacteria utilise this to deal with the congested matter, whilst the bad bacteria cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment.

How will you know when all is not right below? You may experience constipation.  We should all have a regular bowel movement every day.  If this does not happen, waste will start to get impacted and hard.  The powder will ensure that you will have some watery stools for a few days.  You may feel a little under the weather when your intestines are cleansed.  This is normal.

Because we are not all the same, we may experience different symptoms when our intestines are not able to derive enough nutrients from the food we eat.  However, apart from perhaps being constipated, we probably also feel lethargic and suffer recurring bouts of ailments.  This could be eczema, yeast overgrowth or colds and sniffles.

The powder has three ingredients which together will help your intestinal tract out.  Although one of the elements is citric acid, it is recommended that you take this dietary supplement with an acidic drink such as lemon juice or vinegar.  This will help the bowel oxygenating process, thus speeding up the elimination process.

Because the powder does not contain any abrasive substances like some other herbal laxatives, the product is much gentler on the delicate intestinal lining.  The herbal products have an abrasive effect which is not to be recommended for an already compromised intestinal tract.

It will help your system greatly if you start eating and exercising properly.  Fresh fruits and vegetables are recommended for a healthy colon.

If you need further information about Oxy powder or similar effective cleansers, please have a look at

Friday, 27 September 2013


If you feel lethargic and suffer from brain fog or recurring infections it may be that poor absorption of nutrients by your intestines is at fault.  There are, these days, many natural colon cleansing supplements on the market.

These are an effective way of ridding your intestines of unwanted impacted matter that stops your small intestines absorbing the nutrients from the food we eat.  It obviates the necessity to take time out to visit your local irrigation centre.  You can do your cleansing from the comfort of your own home.

You need to understand that when we put food in our mouths, it goes down to the stomach where it is broken down with the help of acids and enzymes.  It then travels to the small intestines where 95 per cent of the nutrients are extracted and taken up by the bloodstream through the intestinal lining.

If the mechanism is impaired because waste is obstructing this process, you will eventually start feeling ill because you are effectively becoming mal-nourished.  It can have far reaching consequences for your internal organs if it is left untreated.

Another point about colonic irrigation is that this procedure will only treat a small part of the bowel system as it cannot reach far enough up.  Supplements, however, will treat the whole of the intestines by liquefying waste through the introduction of extra oxygen.

So what are the effects of cleansing your colon?  By ridding your body of toxins you will soon start to feel better and your complexion will improve.  Your immune system will be strengthened at the same time so that you will be better able to withstand infections and other bugs that go around.

It makes sense to have a good look at your diet.  There are substances we eat that even a hundred years ago were not consumed.  These are all the refined products you will find in the supermarket such as ready meals, sugars and glutinous foods from which all roughage has been removed.

Deleting these from your diet and instead eating healthily will stop a massive build-up of toxins in the future.
If you need to find out about colon cleansing the easy way, please log on to

Friday, 30 August 2013

A Brief Introduction to the Digestive System

The human body is the most complex system in the Universe. The brain has more neural connections than stars in the sky. Many people think of the stomach as a relatively unsophisticated part of the system, but they are wrong. Our stomachs have their own brains. Most people don’t know this, but it’s true, the stomach has a brain independent of the brain in our heads. Of course, it would be extremely misleading to say that it functions with any kind of high-capacity, such as consciousness, but it would not be misleading to say that it is very complex. It is important, therefore, that we take good care of our stomachs, and we do this by ensuring that we take good care of our digestive systems. So, let’s take a closer look at the digestive system now.

The digestive system is made up of a number of different components, including glands, that release various digestive enzymes (- used to break down food), and organs, such as the intestines (- used to extract nutrients and remove waste products). When we suffer from poor digestion it can mean that we cannot extract nutrients, which can lead to problems, such as lethargy, as the body is not getting the nutrients that it needs. It can also mean that compacted matter remains in the system for longer (in other words, we clog up with faecal matter), this can cause toxins to build, which in turn can make us feel ill and cause things such as spots or bad breath.

There are many things that can determine the efficiency of your digestive system. These include genetics, lifestyle and overall health. If you want to improve your digestive system, then you can, regardless of the type of problem that has caused the issue. Clearly, with some issues, such as genetics, you cannot change the problems directly, buy you can improve the way your body reacts to certain foods by making certain changes, which will help to negate your genetic predisposition to whatever it is that you have.

Digestion becomes more problematic the older that you become. Partly this is the natural result of aging, but in the modern world, it also has a lot to do with diet and exercises. Processed foods are a lot harder to digest, and so our bodies produce more enzymes to help with the process of digestion. If you eat processed food all the time, you overwork the glands that produce the enzymes and they stop working as efficiently. 
Clearly, then, one of the best things that you can do is switch to as natural a diet as you can. This will help to speed up your metabolism and improve digestion.

Supplements can help to support your digestion too, but it is better to choose a natural one, such as Oxy Powder. Oxy Powder works by introducing oxygen to the digestive system, which helps to move obstructions, such as compacted faecal matter, and it helps to energise the glands and organs. This can help to support your digestive system, leading to better health.