Thursday 14 November 2013


Effective colon cleansing can be achieved in various ways.  The internet will give you all information on colonic irrigation and cleansing by means of dietary supplements.

The irrigation method which has long been standard practice before major surgical interventions, has also found its way into practices in the high street.  Unfortunately they are less effective in cleansing the colon properly as only a limited area can be treated.  Apart from this you need to find a competent practitioner. 
Inserting a tube into your rectum has to be done by someone with experience as the intestinal lining can be damaged.  Instruments also have to be sterilised properly to minimise the risk of contamination.  By cleansing your tract with copious amounts of water you will also run the risk of flushing out the good flora as well as the bad from your system.

If you would rather go down this path, perhaps you should have a look at several clinics before committing yourself.

The dietary products are a much more effective way to cleanse your intestinal tract as it can be dome from the comfort of your home without pipes and water.  Another major benefit of using these products is that the whole of your intestines will be cleansed and not just the colon area.

Because most of the dietary products work by introducing extra oxygen to help digestion in the intestines, the good bacteria will become more effective, whereas the bad ones die off.  This enables your digestive tract to re-establish a good balance between good and bad once again.

You will feel a little unwell when the die off occurs and also you may suffer watery stools.  Once you have worked out the right dose you will start to feel very much more energetic.  The reason for this is that your body can once again utilise all the nutrients that your food intake provides.

Healthy organs and an effective immune system will ensure that invaders are kept at bay to stop repeated bouts of flu, headaches, lethargy and bacterial overgrowth.

Colon cleansing is a popular treatment to prevent illnesses and strengthening the immune system. For more information please log on to

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