Monday 7 April 2014

Keep Fit Inside And Out

Keeping fit and healthy not only means looking after our outward appearance but it also requires a healthy diet regime to take care of our insides.

A healthy gut can only exist with a healthy diet but unfortunately there is too much temptation to eat fast foods and over processed supermarket products filled with too many preservatives.

The result of an incorrect or unhealthy diet can lead to initial minor problems such as a bloated feeling or irregular bowel movements as well as the more common obesity problems that are alarmingly more common year upon year.

With over twenty feet of intestines inside us it is not unusual for small amounts of waste to get stuck to the lining. Some people swear by colonic irrigation but this only clears out the large intestine and is also a bit of a drastic way of doing things.

A product like Oxy powder is not only a much milder way to clean the gut but it also starts at the beginning in the smaller intestine.

Apart from the cleansing aspect the product is introducing a fresh supply of oxygen which is vital for good bacteria to survive and multiply.

Good bacteria are part of the process that breaks down food and releases the nutrients that are absorbed into the blood. We each carry an extraordinary number of these little organisms that if rounded up would weigh over two kilos.

Although they are not visible to the naked eye they actually make up about 8% of the mass in each stool produced. These are dead ones that have completed whatever function they performed in the intestines and mouth.

Oxy powder is a bit like giving your insides a tonic and not surprisingly it will normally have the effect of making you want to visit the bathroom more frequently or certainly with less than normal warning.

This merely means the product is working properly and should not be alarming but it does mean that for the first day or so you should be aware of where the nearest bathroom is.

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