Monday 7 April 2014

Non-Abrasive Constipation Remedies

The signs of constipation are that you experience infrequent stools.  Some experts say that if you go to the toilet fewer than three times per week you suffer from this condition.  It is due to the slow movement of digested matter through the colon.

My view is that if you do not go to the toilet every day you may want to prevent letting the problem get so bad that your digestive tract will get into trouble.

There are several causes of constipation. Hormonal changes, such as in pregnancy is a cause, but so are modern medicines and a diet that lacks fibre.

Some of us will probably buy a laxative, but these can be very abrasive to the stomach lining and they can also become a habit.  There are such dietary supplements that are stool softeners and they can be taken with very little side effects.

These preparations often contain either oxygen or prebiotics which have the effect of nourishing the beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract with increased oxygen levels.  This allows these bacteria to stabilise the floral colony within your gut.  Very often the root of your misery is an overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria that is causing the problem.

You may, prior to your constipation, have suffered a bout of candida or experienced oral thrush.  These are indicators that there is an overgrowth of the yeast fungus present, caused by the anaerobic bacteria.

Re-oxygenating your colon has the effect that your impacted stools are softened and liquefied so that it makes going to the toilet comfortable.  You could call loose stools a side effect, but in truth, it is a sign that your body is rectifying the problem.

You may also feel a little low, perhaps have a headache, but this is due to your body being detoxified.  It needs to be understood that apart from suffering from hard stools, these stools also produce toxins if they are slow to leave your body.  This is why you will experience feeling under the weather for a few days.

These supplements are non-abrasive and not habit forming.
If you are keen to solve your constipation problem please consult our website at

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