Monday 7 April 2014

Detox Your System Naturally

Colon cleansing becomes a priority as soon as you realise that the constipation you suffer has become a chronic problem.  You may not feel like having a colonic irrigation or take abrasive laxatives but there are plenty of gentle ways to rid yourself of impacted waste. 

You will certainly know when you are constipated as your tummy will become distended and you may feel fatigued and lethargic.  Whatever you suffer, it is important to sort the matter out sooner rather than later.
Impacted waste will produce toxins that are bad for your system as they can travel around the body via the bloodstream.  They will also cause an overgrowth of undesirable bacteria, often a proliferation of the yeast fungus.

Apart from feeling bloated you may also suffer from thrush or candida which are the sure external signs that all is not well in your digestive tract.

The modern dietary supplements work quite differently from laxatives.  There are some that will introduce extra oxygen to your intestines and there are ones that will deliver probiotic bacteria to where they are needed.

It is worth experimenting with some, so that you will be able to ascertain which ones will suit your constitution best.  All of them do pretty much the same thing in that they will aid the beneficial flora in your gut to do their job properly by liquefying impacted waste in a natural way.

In the process the overgrowth of the yeast fungus will die off because this kind of fungus cannot survive in an oxygenating environment.  This could make you feel a little unwell due to the detoxification process that is going on inside you. You would also be experiencing soft stools as the debris leaves your body.

You would also have to give serious thought to your diet.  We eat far too many unsuitable foods because they are convenient and we do not have to cook them.  I am talking here about ready meals and commercial biscuits that are full of refined ingredients such as white flour, sugars and additives.

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